Special tray for CT impression scan

  • Digitizing ImpressionsDigitizing Impressions
  • Radiopaque MaterialRadiopaque Material
  • Accurate Data AcquisitionAccurate Data Acquisition
  • Various Sizes AvailableVarious Sizes Available
  • Applicable for prosthetic-driven Implant planning, Dentures, Prosthesis and MoreApplicable for prosthetic-driven Implant planning, Dentures, Prosthesis and More

Radiopaque impression tray

Digital Tray
Digital Tray

There are markers on the Ray DIGITAL TRAY™ which serve as GP(Gutta-Percha) points.
More accurate STL and CT data matching are possible using the markers.

One impression tray for CT acquisition and impression taking

Digital Tray
Digital Tray

Patient CT acquisition with the DIGITAL TRAY™

Digital Tray
Digital Tray

STL conversion after CT impression scan

  • Made with a radiopaque material, the DIGITAL TRAY™ is distinctly visible when X-ray scanned inside of the patient’s mouths
  • CT impression scans the impression tray and converts STL of the patient’s dentition information
  • Tray-to-Tray superimposition is possible using the patient’s CT data and one’s tray data
  • Digitized the patient’s dentition will be visible on CT data after the superimposition
  • This workflow is effective for edentulous patients or patients with a lot of metal in their mouths

DIGITAL TRAY™ workflow

There is the same coordination between the impression and model data.

Noiseless and accurate data acquisition

Digital Tray

Noise from regular impression trays

Digital Tray


  • The most optimized tray for CT impression scan data acquisition
  • Digitalize the patient’s crown and gingiva information as STL format
  • The data is applicable for orthodontics, implant surgery, and prosthesis

Various sizes

Digital Tray

3SIZE (Upper, Lower), HALF (Left, Right)
Various size trays are available.